Friday, April 29, 2005
Tian's First Easter!

Thursday, April 28, 2005
Tian's First Birthday!
These photos are overdue. We celebrated Tian's birthday (2/15) on February 16th when Alexa and Tory could visit. The photographer for the occasion did not do a very good job and all the photos had red eyes and it took some time to get them fixed.
Lorraine, Tory, Alexa, and Tian

Alexa and Tian

Tory and Tian

Tory, Alexa, and Tian

Tory, Alexa, and Tian

The Cake

Mommy Serving the Cake

Tian Putting the Cake in Her Hair

Opening Presents

Opening Cards

Playing Patty Cake

Lorraine, Tory, Alexa, and Tian

Alexa and Tian

Tory and Tian

Tory, Alexa, and Tian

Tory, Alexa, and Tian

The Cake

Mommy Serving the Cake

Tian Putting the Cake in Her Hair

Opening Presents

Opening Cards

Playing Patty Cake

Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Time Flies
The time has flown since I (Lorraine) returned to work. It seems like days and nights just fade into each other and all of a sudden a month has passed. Tian is learning and growing every day. It is hard to keep up with everything. Mastering crawling just a month ago, she is now taking seven or eight steps after she balances with us holding her.
She says a few words sporadically. She'll say "mamamamama" and then look at me like she realizes she has said a word referring to me. Then sometimes she seems to actually call me "Mama". Tian also seems to understand just about everything we say to her. She is very sensitive to the word "no". You almost have to whisper it or she bursts into tears.
We have had a month of teething and then ear infections. Tian goes in for a re-check today to see if the antibiotic worked. So the sleep hasn't been quite as wonderful as the previous month had been with 12 - 13 hours of uninterrupted sleep. We are down to one major wake-up a night though, so we shouldn't complain too loudly.
My parents were here this weekend to meet their number six grandchild. It was like watching three people fall in love. Tian went to my father on the front porch before they even walked through the door. We had a wonderful time together.
Steve and I are still working on getting our announcements out. We've laughed that it may be her kindergarten picture on the announcement.
She says a few words sporadically. She'll say "mamamamama" and then look at me like she realizes she has said a word referring to me. Then sometimes she seems to actually call me "Mama". Tian also seems to understand just about everything we say to her. She is very sensitive to the word "no". You almost have to whisper it or she bursts into tears.
We have had a month of teething and then ear infections. Tian goes in for a re-check today to see if the antibiotic worked. So the sleep hasn't been quite as wonderful as the previous month had been with 12 - 13 hours of uninterrupted sleep. We are down to one major wake-up a night though, so we shouldn't complain too loudly.
My parents were here this weekend to meet their number six grandchild. It was like watching three people fall in love. Tian went to my father on the front porch before they even walked through the door. We had a wonderful time together.
Steve and I are still working on getting our announcements out. We've laughed that it may be her kindergarten picture on the announcement.