Monday, January 12, 2004


The Application

It was January 12th in the late afternoon. I was speaking on fluency of course at a reading council meeting in Barnes and Noble when Steve came in and sat down. As soon as I was finished, Steve and I walked out of the store. He grabbed my elbow and said, "Oh Lorraine! It was SOOOOO exciting!" I tried to think of what it would be...

"I dropped off the application at the agency!" He said. "Oh!" I had wondered if he would actually get over there since he had a packed day of errands and writer's groups. "Well what happened??"

Steve said he had gone by the doctor's to pick up our last document, the "he's got a chronic illness but he's okay to adopt letter" . He put the letter in the application notebook, and then drove over to the agency. But he was so excited, he couldn't remember where it was. Finally he weaved around near Fuddruckers, his landmark, and remember it was on Orange Street. He pulled up in front of the agency, got out, and walked in.

No one was at the desk... "So I rang the bell! And it was so exciting! A young girl came out of an office and I handed her the notebook. I said, 'It's our adoption application!' The girl responded with, "Oh and I'm sure you wish you could see Michelle, your social worker, but she isn't here."

Steve said no that was fine and left... I kept waiting for a punch line! But no! It was literally the handing over of the papers that was so exciting. Maybe you have to know Steve's introverted quiet way of life, but the whole account was so funny!
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