Tuesday, January 27, 2004


Home Study - Joint

Today we had another home study session with our social worker. The theme of today's discussion was our marriage.

We handed in a little paper work while we were there, but I think she was disappointed that we didn't have more completed. Steve made a comment about how well we were doing - I added that we might possibly even be record-setters. She didn't seem too impressed with us... She went on to tell us that once she had a Russian adoption that happened from initial inquiry to baby in five months. Oh well! We won't be winning that contest!

We also had our physicals this afternoon for the dossier. I originally thought the appointments would be months away. But when I called Monday, our wonderful doctor scheduled it for the following day. (Yes! Our doctor actually answered the phone and made the appointments herself!) We will be able to pick up the paperwork after our blood test results come back from the lab. They do not have a notary at the doctor's office, so we will have to bring our own notary with us to testify to the doctor signing the papers.

I also learned today more about the "Stamp Act." The requirement isn't just a stamp to authenticate the notary. A state stamp has to authenticate the authenticator of the notary and then the federal government has to authenticate the state authenticator of the county authenticator for the notary. It reminds me of "...that lives in the house that Jack built!"
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